Efek daun berguguran, dengan jumlah 30 buah daun kering The other place, The other side: The unique things I've ever seen!!

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

The unique things I've ever seen!!

Hey hey! ini saya posting foto2 yg mungkin bisa menginspirasi daya keatifitas dan kerja otak kitaa! hehehe.. I hope we can make something which more than this :

Bamboo Taxi Car:

By Rustico Balderian, the Mayor of Tabontabon, Philippines.

Bamboo Jeep:
bamboo jeep

Indonesian bamboo bicycle:
indonesian bamboo bicycle

and then, there's it..

Asus Ecobook Bamboo Laptop:

asus ecobook

wiiii... do you wanna buy it? or maybe you prefer to make by yourself at home..?? hihi, let's go! :D

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